Breast & Body
Breast and body surgery encompasses a wide array of procedures at our Dallas, Texas practice. This group of surgeries benefits a diverse patient base. Cosmetic breast surgery is performed for a variety of reasons, and each patient has his or her own goals and desires. While some patients are striving to attain a more balanced appearance, others may be trying to restore the area after a cancer surgery or severe burn injury. The overall key to any breast and body procedure is to improve symmetry and provide a natural contour and shape for the chest, in order to boost self-image and self-esteem.
Dr. Shelby R. Lies, MD
Dr. Shelby Lies’ credentials and training make him a highly sought-after plastic surgeon in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area. Each patient is a complete individual to Dr. Lies, and he believes they are deserving of care that complements the entire body. Whether the patient has concerns about breast and body appearance, has experienced some type of breast or body injury, or is concerned about restoration after a lumpectomy or mastectomy, Dr. Lies works to create an experience that leaves the patient feeling his or her very best.
Breast and Body Surgical Options
Dr. Lies takes a hands-on approach with every patient and always searches for the least invasive, most efficient solution to treat the patient’s problem. Potential breast and body surgical solutions may include:
Breast Cancer Reconstruction
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Tummy Tuck
Burn Scar Contracture