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Everyone wants to look great for their age, and both men and women want to look refreshed and energized. At his Dallas practice, Dr. Shelby R. Lies approaches facelift surgery as a custom procedure, performed differently for each patient. The men and women who consult with him about facelifts are a very diverse group, but share a goal of looking great for their age. These patients want to look refreshed and energized.



Am I a good candidate for facelift surgery?

Although many prospective patients have concerns about being “too young” or “too old” for facelift surgery, it’s important to remember that we are all individuals who age at different rates and in different ways. For example, lifestyle habits and genetics may make one person a good candidate for facelift surgery in their 40s, while another person can postpone surgery until their 50s or later. Good candidates should be healthy enough to undergo anesthesia and be free of any existing medical conditions that could affect surgery.

Facelifts help restore definition along the jawline, tighten sagging cheeks and jowls, remove a double chin or “turkey neck,” and smooth out wrinkles around the mouth. If you are more concerned by aging of your upper face, you may be a better candidate for eyelid surgery. In some cases, Dr. Lies can combine these procedures for a full-face rejuvenation.



What should I expect from my facelift consultation?

Your consultation is a comprehensive appointment during which you and Dr. Lies talk extensively about your lifestyle, your health history, and your goals for surgery. Dr. Lies also performs a physical examination of your face and neck to fully understand your concerns and to help him develop an appropriate surgical plan.



How is facelift surgery performed?

Facelift surgery can be extensively customized to meet each patient’s specific needs, but most procedures begin with incisions around the ears and behind the hairline. In some cases, Dr. Lies may also use an incision under the chin. Once he has made the incisions, Dr. Lies separates the skin from the muscles, fat, and other supportive structures below. Depending on the patient’s specifications, he may reshape, add, or remove fat. He adjusts and repositions the tissue overlying the muscles before reshaping the skin and trimming away any excess, ensuring that it doesn’t appear overly tight. He closes the incisions with sutures and adds a small drainage tube to prevent excessive fluid buildup. By keeping tension on the underlying muscles instead of the skin, he creates long-lasting surgical results without excessive scarring.



How much does a facelift cost?

Because each procedure is completely customized to your specifications, it’s not possible to offer a quote without an in-person visit. During your consultation, you’ll receive a written quotation that includes all fees associated with surgery.

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